goldy.jpg (66398 個位元組)

beauty.jpg (76370 個位元組)

狗狗姓名: Goldy (Tan) Beauty (Black)
出生日期: 2001 17-10-2002
性別: M F
最喜歡: Treats of course!
最討厭: crating session.
技能 basic tricks eg: sit, wait, down etc....
性格 :  non-dominance, friendly
Goldy came to us when his last owner "surrendered" coz he is too hyperactive for them.  Beauty comes later when i bought her from the breeder after falling in love with her. (love at first sight)  
住在 : Malaysia
有否絕育 :
聯絡方法 :
主人姓名: Mak Yat Lun